Sándor Imre Phd

professor and Head of Dept. of Networked Systems and Sevices at the Budapest University of Technology (BME)

Sándor Imre [M’93] professor and Head of Dept. of Networked Systems and Sevices at the Budapest University of Technology (BME). He obtained dr. univ. degree in in probability theory and statistics 1996, Ph.D. degree in 1999 and DSc degree from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) in 2007. He was elected corresponding member of HAS in 2019 and he is the vice chairman of Section of Engineering Sciences of HAS since 2021. He was awarded Senior Member of IEEE in 2012. He acts as supervisor in the High Seed Networks Laboratory since 1999. He was invited to join the Mobile Innovation Centre of BME as R&D director between 2005-2015. Similarly he is the R&D director of the Quantum Information National Lab of Hungary since 2020. His research interests include mobile and wireless systems, quantum computing and communications.

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National Electronics Society of Hungary

H–1044 Budapest, Ipari Park utca 10.

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Email: heiling [kukac] melt.hu

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