29 March
An interesting side event of Innoelectro Fair and Conference will be The Student Soldering Competition on the booth of National Electronics Society of Hungary. This competition will be organized parallel, but independently from IPC Hand soldering Competition, which also takes place, but only for professionals.
We are waiting for application of any students of any kinds of educational institutes.
The job is assembling a small sized, working PCBA with surface and through hole mounted components by hand soldering. The time frame is 15 minutes.
The prize of the best is an Ersa i-CON Pico soldering station, but followers will be also prized with valuable things.
Entry tickets to the exhibition will be provided free of charge for contestants and their escorts.
It should be completed by edible handwriting or printed, and sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please, send your application as soon as possible, but the latest until 22 March 2022.
If you have any questions, you can turn to Mr. Peter Regos by phone (+36 20 936 4681) or e-mail.
Click on the Appliation Form to download!