In the era of Industry 4.0, modern Artificial Intelligence and Robotics have promised a revolution capable of leveling global landscape in the electronics industry but are falling short to effectively democratize the manufacturing of electronics and to make it accessible to everyone. Big payers keep growing bigger and achieving bigger and bigger market shares, as it remains a very difficult task for those who want to start manufacturing high quality electronics while being competitive and without costs blowing off the roof.

My perspective as a seasoned EMS Manager may help to shed some light over the reasons behind such difficulties and may help to understand the way to go when looking to implement world-class operations that can keep up with the biggest and the best. By understanding the difficulties and focusing on solutions I successfully managed the fast growth of an EMS in Europe from scratch to the point of competing worldwide, and while recognizing the role of state-of-the-art equipment I clearly identify other, more organic reasons anyone must address they want to succeed.