Keyence International Belgium

KEYENCE has steadily grown since 1974 to become an innovative leader in the development and manufacturing of industrial automation and inspection equipment worldwide. Our products consist of code readers, laser markers, machine vision systems, measuring systems, microscopes, sensors, and static eliminators.

Our innovative products not only meet current needs but also future customer requirements in the manufacturing and R&D sectors. We strive to anticipate the market’s future goals to provide tomorrow’s solution today.

Contact details:
Phone: +32 (0)15 28 12 22
Address: Headquarter - Bedrijvenlaan 5, Mechelen 2800, Belgium
Hungarian Office: H-1133 Budapest, Váci út 76., Capital Square, IV. Torony, 6. Emelet

Gyémánt szponzorok / Diamond sponsors

Arany szponzorok / Gold sponsors

Ezüst szponzorok / Silver sponsors

Szakmai támogatók / Professional sponsors

Partnereink / Our Partners



National Electronics Society of Hungary

H–1044 Budapest, Ipari Park utca 10.

Zsolt Heiling Event Manager
Email: heiling [kukac]

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