Hunify Laboratories Ltd.

Professional sponsor

Hunify Laboratories Ltd. – Laboratory for good ideas

Hunify Laboratories Kft. is an appliance and application development and service engineering firm founded in 2015. What our products and projects have in common is that they all contain custom-developed or industrial electronics and control software that use state-of-the-art communication technology and offer innovative solutions to problems or create a market for themselves.

Device and Application Development

Our current product development projects focus on the catering and food industries. The distributor of our food service vending machines and smart cooling equipment is restaurant chains open to novelty. In addition, users of the machines come from closed communities and office building operators. As a system integrator in these projects, we offer our customers a turnkey solution with machine control, adaptation of cloud-based services and development of smartphone applications and long-term servicing.

Industrial Automation

As a Beckhoff Automation Integrator, we are pleased to address the simpler or more complex automation issues of our industrial partners in the following topics: industrial control; control and measurement technology, individual measuring systems; cyber-physical systems, machine vision and analytics, functional security technology.

Industrial application of the augmented reality technology

This technology has the potential to open new opportunities and perspectives in research and development, manufacturing, services and in the medical sector as well. Our reference project with Semmelweis University is called “Dynamic Navigation in Dental Implant Practice”.

Product recognition with artificial intelligence

We are experiencing a renaissance in the hospitality and service industry. Product recognition based on image processing, product tracking, observation and learning about customer behavior with the help of artificial intelligence is no longer available. We will continue to develop our new generation of smart devices in this direction.

Contact details:
Adress: H–1112 Budapest, Repülőtéri út 2/A
Telepohone: +36 70 426 8549
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gyémánt szponzorok / Diamond sponsors

Arany szponzorok / Gold sponsors

Ezüst szponzorok / Silver sponsors

Szakmai támogatók / Professional sponsors

Partnereink / Our Partners



National Electronics Society of Hungary

H–1044 Budapest, Ipari Park utca 10.

Zsolt Heiling Event Manager
Email: heiling [kukac]

© 2020 MELT